ajaxform.connecting.to.server=Connecting to server...
ajaxform.processing.request=Processing request...
ajaxform.server.error=Sorry, the server sent an invaild response.
ajaxform.form.error=There was an error in the form.
ajaxform.collecting.form.data=Collecting form data...
ajaxsummariser.stats.message=Interclue could save you over $%S this year. <a id="ajaxsummariser-stats-link" href="javascript:;">Find out how...</a>
bugreporter.error.feature.request.required=Please enter some details about the feature you would like us to add.
bugreporter.error.invalid.email=Invalid Email Address: if you would like us to get back to you about this then we'll need a valid email address (eg example@gmail.com)
bugreporter.error.no.catagory=Please select a catagory for your report
bugreporter.report.received=Thanks for your report
clipboard.copy.failed=Sorry, an error occured whilst attempting to copy the data to the clipboard. The data has <em>not</em> been copied.
clipboard.copy.succeeded=Copied to clipboard
clipboard.error.title=Clipboard Error
clue.error.generic=<h1>%S : %S</h1><div>Sorry, we were unable to retrieve any content from %S</div>
<p>Sorry, the page <a href="%1$S">%1$S</a> took longer than %2$S seconds to download.\
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clue.imagepreview.fullsize.link.text=view full size
clue.imagepreview.click.to.show.fullsized.image=Click to show full sized image
clue.imagepreview.image.error=Sorry, unable to load image
clue.imagepreview.image.size.unknown=Sorry, unable to retrieve file size
clue.imagepreview.image.too.large=<h3>Image too large</h3><p>Your maximum auto preview image size is set to %SkB.</p><p><a id="imagepreview-forcepreview" href="javascript:;">Click here to view this image anyway.</a></p>
clue.unsafeurl.title=This may be an action-taking link
clue.unsafeurl.wordlist.before=This URL contains the following word(s)
clue.unsafeurl.wordlist.after=Which may mean that previewing the link might cause an action to occur, so we will only fetch it for you if you confirm that it's ok to preview.
clue.unsafeurl.safeurl=It's safe, preview it
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clueframe.alert.click.to.close=[Click to close]
clueframe.buttontable.buttons=Clueviewer Buttons
clueframe.error.cannot.find.referrer=Sorry, we cannot extract any referrer information from this page
clueframe.error.document.doesnt.allow.clues=Sorry, this document doesn\'t allow the Clueviewer to be shown
clueframe.error.no.help.for.clue=Sorry, we cannot find any help for this Cluescript
clueview.button.bookmark.errorNoInterface=Error: No interface found.\nSorry, Interclue is unable to bookmark this link.
custombuttons.buttontable.buttonname=Button Name
custombuttons.question.delete=Are you sure you want to permanently delete button "%S"?
email.disclaimer=This message was created using the new free browser addon from http://interclue.com/
hint.linkscentmode.unavailable.text=Interclue will only function on webpages.\nInterclue will be disabled on non HTML files (eg pdfs, xul pages), local files (even html files on your computer), and special pages (about:blank, about:config, etc...).\
hint.linkcursor.tinyicon.title=Tiny Icons
hint.linkcursor.tinyicon.text=Tiny icon info...
linktray.server.invalid.response=<h1>Sorry, the server is unavailable at this time</h1>\
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linkscent.mode.description.unavailable=Linkclues are unavailable for this document,\n only HTML pages can have Linkclues.
message.tinyicons=blarg blarg tiny icons ...
metadata.date.meta.tag=Date extracted from HTML meta tag
metadata.date.headers=Date extracted from HTTP headers
metadata.date.url=Date extracted from page URL
metadata.delicious.error.server.unavailable=Sorry, the Del.icio.us server is unavailable at this time.
metadata.delicious.tagged=This url has been tagged %S times for the term "%S"
metadata.delicious.postcount=%S posts
metadata.delicious.error.no.records=The Del.icio.us server has no records for this url.
metadata.delicious.fetching.tag.cloud=fetching tag cloud ...
metadata.delicious.add=Add to my del.icio.us
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metadata.microsummary.title=Live Title
metadata.microsummary.xmltransformation=Error: Unable to apply xslt.
metadata.microsummary.description=Microsummaries are short summaries of web pages that are used to convey more information than page titles. Microsummaries are regularly updated to reflect content changes in web pages.
metadata.microsummary.none=This page does not contain a plain text microsummary